After the holidays we headed up to Winter Park to do a little skiing and sledding.

The trip started with a late night trip to the emergency room! I was so excited to be in our new condo I was running around crazy and jumping on the bed. I flew off the bed and landed on the grate covering the floor heater. 1 sedative and 8 stitches later I was back to my crazy self!

My Daddy took me skiing. It was so much fun!

Ready to ski

Mommy wished she could have skied with me, but she was there to make sure it was well documented!

Skiing buddies!

Derek and Bode were there to cheer me on!
Here I am getting myself onto the magic carpet!
A video of me skiing. I was a little distracted by my mommy!
Austin and Aiden skied with Aunt Tara and Uncle Doug!

Uncle Doug and Aiden

We all loved to go sledding!

Here I am sledding all by myself!
Bode may have been too little to ski and sled, but he could eat cookies!!