Monday, August 23, 2010

Mommy's little "helper"

I love to help my mom clean. I don't want her to have to do all the work, so I insist that she has a turn and then I have a turn. My mommy feels like it takes us two hours just to vacuum the kitchen, but I think it is a lot of fun!

Daddy's shoes help me when I am doing "work" as I call it!

This is one of my favorite PJ shirts. My belly hangs out the bottom a little, but I still love it!

Lucky Mommy to have such a good helper!

1 comment:

  1. Just wait...Someday he'll say you forced
    him to clean all of the time! (At least
    that's how his Dad remembers those times
    he had to help and make life a little
    more challenging for his mom!)
