Monday, August 30, 2010

Broncos' Game

I went to my very first Broncos' game this weekend. I loved the crowd and the cheering!! It took me a while, but by the end I had stopped yelling "go Rockies" and started yelling "go Broncos!"

In front of Mile High Stadium. It has another name too, but I like this one!

The Beavers

Mommy and me at the game.

Bode really loved the game too!

I was so tired I was falling asleep on my daddy's shoulder. Finally I said, "go mommy's car, bye bye Broncos." My parents took the hint and we left a little early!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Mommy's little "helper"

I love to help my mom clean. I don't want her to have to do all the work, so I insist that she has a turn and then I have a turn. My mommy feels like it takes us two hours just to vacuum the kitchen, but I think it is a lot of fun!

Daddy's shoes help me when I am doing "work" as I call it!

This is one of my favorite PJ shirts. My belly hangs out the bottom a little, but I still love it!

Lucky Mommy to have such a good helper!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Sunday Funday!!

Yesterday I had such a fun day!

We started our day at the Rockies game!

The Beavers were there too!

I got my very own Dinger at the game . I love to rock him like a baby!!

Bobo really liked Dinger too!!

After the game we went to dinner and I ate a lot of soup. I got it everywhere, but I had a lot of fun eating it!

After dinner we played at the park. I went down the slide holding Bobo!!

I also learned to go up the rock wall!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Quick trip to Tucson!

Our good friends Chrissy and Zach had their daughter on July 28th. We were so excited to meet her that my mom and I joined my dad on his work trip to Arizona. My dad worked in Phoenix while my mom and I headed down to Tucson. We were only in town about a day and a half, but we did a lot while we were there!!

Simone Raquel Alexander

On Wednesday, August 4th it was my good friend Cosimo's first birthday. We had a great time celebrating!!

The birthday boy!!

Poor Simone had to put up with all of us boys.
We out number her 6 to 1!!

Eating dinner with Aiden and Anthony. I really loved the picnic table!!
I also spent some time with my Grandma, Papa, Auntie Tara, Uncle Doug and my cousins Austin, Aiden and Andrew!

Aiden started Kindergarten. I had a lot of fun driving him to school and meeting him at the bus stop after school. My mom and got to help him do his homework!!
While Austin and Aiden went to school, I played with my cousin Andrew!

We had a great time together!!