Saturday, February 26, 2011

Bryn's Room is done!!

My mommy, daddy and I have been working really hard to finish my baby sister's room. The great news is, we are done!! My mom is only 31 weeks pregnant, but she is happy to have that checked off her list!

My mommy made this sign for my sister. Thank you Courtney for the great directions!!

My sister will be named after our Aunt Kathryn Rose. My Aunt Kathryn wrote this poem and our good friend Vanessa made it into this beautiful sign for her room. It is very special to all of us!

My daddy swore after painting my room that he was done with stripes....he is already giving in to that little girl!!


  1. Her room is so cute!!! Great job on the name sign! : )

  2. Little girls always get their way with their Daddy! At least that is what I found. Big G

  3. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the finished product! It looks great!!!
