Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Little Fish

I started swim lessons yesterday. I was not too sure about the water the first day. I clung to my mom for dear life. She was proud of me that I made it through the entire 30 minute class. Today I was so excited to get to the pool. I LOVED my class!! I floated, kicked my feet and best of all I splashed my mom over and over. I think she let me because she really wants me to love the pool!!

My friend Griffin is in class with me. I loved sharing his towel after class!!


  1. I'm so proud of you Ethan! Your Dad always
    loved to swim too! He loved the water so much,
    sometimes more that he should have...Aunt Cathy
    had to save him more times than I want to remember! Don't scare your parents like that...or your Mimi! We love you!
